From Inhouseday to application procedures

Leestijd: 3 minuten

Name: Siebe de Roest

Track: General Management

Studied: Political Science, Political Economy

Trainee year: 2019


This blog contains my initial vision on NN Group, the added value of the Inhouseday for my vision on NN Group, and the key triggers for my decision to apply for the general management traineeship.


Initial vision on NN Group

When studying international relations and political economy, a financial services company might not be the first firm to think of when reflecting on future career steps. However, I had looked into governmental organizations and I found that these did not feed my appetite, so I needed a new plan. I decided to look into the private sector, and more specifically businesses dealing with strategic issues. This led to an internship in which I experienced the profession of consulting. Here I figured out that I would rather work inhouse than client-based, which is an important lesson. After some research I arrived at management traineeships offered at big corporations. In the range of management traineeships, NN caught my eye for being an active player in the lives of many people given its variety in financial products.


The Inhouseday

Despite the initial interest in NN due to its engagement in society, my knowledge on the organization was limited. I decided to apply for the Inhouseday. During this event I gained insight into the company’s culture, the core business, the organizational structure, and the management traineeship specifically. Bringing these elements together during the day, we were provided with informational talks on the way the company operates in its field of business. We also  had current- and former trainees  sharing their experiences and we were challenged with a business case. The biggest takeaway from the Inhouseday for me is that NN Group provides trainees with an massively wide array of opportunities given its organizational size. Exactly what I was looking for, and so a big plus!


Three key features

The structure of the general management traineeship was elaborately explained during the Inhouseday. This structure became a big driver for my interest in NN. Three key features of this specific management traineeship made me enthusiastic. First, the rotations through the company provide one with a complete scope on the company. Second, the ‘out of your comfort zone’ philosophy ensures that you keep your eyes open to new experiences. Third, the focus on your personal development is outstanding. Altogether, the Inhouseday opened my eyes to NN as a possible future employer.


Why applying after the Inhouseday

After the Inhouseday I decided to apply for the general management traineeship. First and foremost, it was the culture I experienced at the Inhouseday that struck me. Especially compared to my experience at a Big Four company, the culture at NN places a heavy focus on the individual. The focus really is on you. This is translated through both the structure of the traineeship, concerning the personal development elements, and through the culture that runs through the veins of the company. For some, this might be too ‘soft’, but for me it works perfectly. Second, as mentioned earlier, the set-up of the well-structured management traineeship made me apply at NN. In the end, the combination of a friendly company culture, the societal engagement, and the set-up of the traineeship, made the general management traineeship at NN the perfect choice for me. Want to know more? Feel free to reach out to me at


NN Group Traineeships



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