NN in a digital environment

Leestijd: 3 minuten

Name: Lotte Groot Kormelink

Track: Finance/ Risk

Studied: Finance

Trainee year: 2020




NN in a digital environment

Setting up the home office

When the corona pandemic started, I was still quite optimistic about the duration of the lockdown and other regulations. 6 Months later, in September, I could start at my first job at NN. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to meet my fellow trainees in the first week but hereafter I have been working from home. It was weird to start working at a company from your room, but NN is really involved in making this a great experience for you. The longer you work from home, the more you expect of your home office. I have upgraded to an office chair from NN which I could pick here in my home town and I also bought a second screen with the budget from NN. This really helps create a better working environment. It shows that the values of NN are not only applicable to their customers but also to their employees and are reflected in NN’s work culture. In these digital times, these values are key to good employee engagement and to deliver good results.

Personal touch

Although we are working online there is still a lot of informal contact between colleagues. You can plan a catch-up with someone or even plan a walk and talk with a colleague from the same city. There is a lot of room to plan your schedule to your preference. There are also a lot of initiatives in my department and NNYP (Young Professionals) to bring people together, who you might not have met during your regular day-to-day work.

Looking out for each other

Managers also pay extra attention to everyone’s wellbeing and reach out to ask about your situation and if anything can be improved or if you require anything extra from NN. I think this is very important, especially in this online environment where it is hard to see if someone is feeling a bit under the weather. In our team, for example, we have introduced a help button for when you are not doing alright. This is also reflected in our regular work, you can always reach out to someone for help or a coffee. No matter what their job or position is within NN Group. In addition, we have an online platform where people share recipes or something from their hometown.

Token of appreciation

At NN a lot of things are achieved through collaboration. I work in a team that has a forward-looking mindset and runs several different projects. We need to brainstorm in order to achieve our goals. But we also celebrate our milestones. Our manager has sent us a chocolate brownie or other nice treats to thank us for our hard work in these online conditions, which is very nice (although not so handy now that the gyms are closed).

Having fun

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, we miss the interaction between the trainees, especially after office hours. Because of that, a few trainees started an initiative to have a monthly online activity and do something fun. It is very nice to do something with the trainees as this interaction is a big part of being a trainee. With my team and department, I have already partaken in a few pub quizzes and other online games.

To conclude, together we do find ways to make the best out of this unusual situation! And in my opinion, this characterises the values and company culture of NN.

If you have any questions, you can contact me via email or LinkedIn!
Lotte Groot Kormelink | LinkedIn


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