Training & Development: tracking of development

Leestijd: 3 minuten

Name: Laurie Debremaeker

Track: General Management

Studied: Finance and Financial Management Services

Trainee year: 2019




Training & Development: tracking of development

 If the NN traineeship rhymes with one thing it certainly is with development – well not literally though

At NN, the traineeship is filled with development – and with all sorts of development. But that’s not only about the number of training. At NN, the accent is set on You and What makes You, You. Because we are all different. And we all have things we are good or bad at. NN traineeship helps to develop strong individuals ready to conquer any challenge. Essentially the development is done via four different channels:

  1. On each assignment, by doing the work with your manager and supervisor.
  2. During the training weeks, where you develop on the content and the soft skills, but also learn on all sides of the company.
  3. At de Baak, where you work intensively on your personal development.
  4. With your personal training budget, that you can use freely and adapt to your professional needs.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new – A. Einstein

When I entered the NN traineeship, I was told to fail. I remember it clearly. I was then in the cafeteria, in a meeting with my trainee manager – and coach. And it came back on multiple occasions. The reason you learn so much during the traineeship is that it is very challenging. You do not always know what to do, or how to do it. Sometimes I still feel completely lost. And that’s okay. With three assignments in two years, you face a lot of challenges you never faced before, but you also get lots of opportunities.

What struck me the most is that they do not only encourage you to fail. More than that, during the traineeship, the company and the job become your playing field. At the Baak, we learn about ourselves and what we are not so comfortable with. I can directly put that into practice and learn, stretch myself. “This is your experiment for this month. Try it and see what happens” they told me. And it works! We get thrown into a culture where we dare, we can be bold and try things. We can make mistakes but mostly we get to learn from them.

You are not alone in this!

Another key component is the support provided. Between the challenges and the successes or failures, we are offered a lot of support. On top of the three managers/supervisors who you work with, you have help and coaching from the trainee manager, your buddies, your trainee group, old trainees, your mentor, etc. For example, we still have biweekly meetings with my buddies. They have been of great help, especially with all the challenges of this complicated year.

See how much you have evolved

Looking back at the last 1.5 years, I certainly have evolved a lot. When I look back at the reports I had at the beginning and the first training I have done, it feels like it was ten years ago. I have gained valuable skills, I have learned about what I like – and do not like – to do, and about what I am good at – or not! Through reviews made within the company every half year and through development reports, I get to see where I was, what I have done, and how much I have learned.

To sum up, by joining the NN traineeship I entered a fast track program on developing myself and a strong career. Want to discuss it more? I would love to share a coffee or a chat! Feel free to reach out to me by email:


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