Why did I apply for this track? General Management

Leestijd: 2 minuten

Name: Floor van Schriek

Track: General Management

Studied: International Business: Strategic Marketing

Trainee year: 2020




Why did I apply for this track? General Management

Working at a financial services company was not necessarily the first thing that came to mind when I was looking for my first full-time job after university. My master’s study was very broad – a master’s in Strategic Marketing – and I was not sure in which industry I wanted to work in after graduation. One thing I knew for sure, I wanted the opportunity to continue developing myself both on a professional and personal level. After some exploring, I came to the conclusion that a traineeship would be the perfect fit for me. A traineeship provides the perfect opportunity to get to know a company, to work in different departments, to develop yourself through personal leadership programs, and to discover what you like to do. This was the combination I was looking for in my first job.

Why Nationale Nederlanden Group?

After my graduation, I came into contact with a variety of traineeships. All traineeships offer a personal development program and rotation between different departments/business units. The NN General Management Traineeship was the most appealing to me. Of course, the great opportunities offered by the company itself (e.g. corporate, international, and many different Business Units and departments) are very nice, but I also really liked the culture of the company. I believe company culture is very important when looking for the perfect fit with a company. NN really shows that they care about their employees and applicants. For example, during the application process, you will be assigned to a current trainee. This trainee can help you to prepare for the next rounds and you can ask whatever question you like. I really liked this investment in the application process, because it made me feel very valued.

The General Management Track

As a General Management Trainee, you will have three rotations within two years. My first assignment is at NN Bank where I’m working for Brickler – a peer-to-peer platform to sell your house without using a broker. What I like about this assignment is the experience in innovation and start-ups. From day one I am a part of the team, which allows you to make a significant contribution to the team.

My traineeship started 6 months ago and so far, the experience has been amazing. NN provides you with a solid trainee program and (even though we have to deal with COVID-19) there is a lot of time to connect with your fellow trainees and colleagues. Do you want to know more about the General Management Traineeship of Nationale Nederlanden Group or do you have any questions about the traineeship program in general? Don’t hesitate to contact me via floor.van.schriek@nn-group.com.


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