I finished the Traineeship, what now?

Leestijd: 2 minuten

Name: Joshua de Groot

Track: General Management

Studied: Business Administration

Trainee year: 2018


I finished the Traineeship, what now?

 I started to think about that question somewhere in the middle of my third assignment. One and a half years had passed by so incredibly fast! In that moment of reflection, I figured I had to make up my mind already. I sat down and thought of all the work I’ve done, the people I spoke and the experiences I gained. What I remember looking back was a feeling of wonder and a sense of semi-accomplishment. I still wasn’t done and knew that there were many more opportunities. Lucky for me I could identify exactly what I liked (and disliked), so I could accurately start looking for an outflow position. What I liked most about the traineeship is that we’d become such a close group of friends that we openly discussed our ideas, wishes, and concerns. By doing this, we could also help each other in figuring out what would be the next step after I finished the Traineeship.

So, how do you find your outflow position? 

Yes! So I knew that I wanted to have a managerial position, preferably in Operations. During my last rotation in the General Management track, I guided over a hundred customer service employees at OHRA in Arnhem. Thinking back to that time I always get a smile on my face. It gave me so much energy and excitement that I knew I wanted to continue working as a team manager.

What I like at NN is that they really advocate your proactivity. This means that if you want it, you can get it. I started talking to all trainees, old colleagues, and HR to find out if there was any such position open.  A couple of months before the official ending of my traineeship, I talked to -my now colleague- Anouk who said there was a position open within her Management Team. I applied and the rest is history!

Did everyone in your trainee cohort find an outflow position?

Figuring out what you would like to do after the Traineeship can be a difficult question. Luckily there are plenty of opportunities at NN to pursue. This, together with the fact that you’re well-positioned as a trainee, ensured that all of us found the outflow position of their liking. I’m happy and grateful that we all succeeded and I’m looking forward to the successes of the trainee cohorts after us.

Are you curious to hear more about my experience? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can find me on LinkedIn or drop me an e-mail at Joshua.de.groot@nn.nl.


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