Get your internship questions answered

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Planning to apply for a Microsoft internship? Over the past few weeks we’ve asked you on Twitter and Facebook to share what you would like to ask a university recruiter. We’ve taken your queries straight to our experts, below you will find answers to some of your most frequently asked questions:

When do you accept applications for internships?
At Microsoft, we’re always accepting applications for our internships. That said, we do suggest applying earlier in the school year as opposed to later. According to University Recruiter Sarah Bruch, “we generally accomplish most of our hiring in the fall for the next summer, so we encourage you to apply during the fall instead of waiting until the spring.”

What is the most common mistake you see applicants make?
For University Recruiter Anthony Rotoli, it’s the key details that people seem to forget most often: “It’s simple really, but leaving your graduation date, or other important information (phone number, email) off of your resume. Graduation date is very important for us to get a sense of about how far along you should be in school. Contact information is important for…well…us contacting you!”

Beyond the initial application process, Anthony notes that candidates can sometimes block their own path to success. His advice to avoid this? Be yourself: “Applicants will sometimes approach the interview process with what they think an interviewer wants to hear, and they’ll try to make sure they fit the mold they’ve imagined we’re looking for. Bad mistake! The best thing you can show us during interviews is the real you. I always encourage folks to approach each interview like a discussion with a current co-worker or teammate. Don’t try to demonstrate some skill you have only a rudimentary understanding of – talk about what you know, and let your passion shine through!”

I live outside of the United States, but I want to intern in Redmond. Can I still apply?
“Yes you can, and we look forward to reviewing your application! Get started by visiting our University Careers Site.” – University Recruiter Sarah Bruch

How can I follow up on the status or progress of my application?
There are a couple of ways to follow up on your application throughout the recruiting process. If you have recently submitted an application, University Recruiter Raquel Garcia suggests, “email your local recruiter, but keep in mind that we receive a high volume of resumes/inquires, especially during the fall recruiting season and so it might take us a bit to respond. If you’ve already gone through a formal on-site interview, follow up with the recruiter who you’re working with, this is the person who you met with on the Microsoft campus.”

If you’ve submitted your application and are waiting to hear from us– rest assured that our recruiters are working hard to find the right fit. As Raquel notes, “We accept resumes for the entire year and keep them on file, and only reach out when we believe we have a good fit based on your interests/qualifications and our business needs.”

I missed you on campus, what is the best way to get in touch with a recruiter?
Our recruiters would love to hear from you! University Recruiter Jeff D’Andria explains how to get in touch: “I suggest finding your recruiter’s information and email on our University Careers Site. We’re happy to help and are looking forward to meeting you.”

If you’re ready to get started on your application, here’s where to go for more information, and to apply.


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