Why did I apply for the Investments track?

Leestijd: 2 minuten

Name: Claudiu Ghiuzan

Track: Investments

Studied: Finance

Trainee year: 2019



My experience with NN Group goes back to my time as a student in Nijmegen. Together with the investment club “Pecunia Causa”, we visited NNIP and played an investment game. I enjoyed the game very much because it was sort of replicating the stock market reality and it was highly intense. As I got to know some of the employees, I was interested to find out more about NN Group and the opportunities that it could offer to me. I wanted to know more about investments in general and also about the different asset classes. I was curious about how the investment process is conducted and what investors pay attention to when they compute their analysis. From a technical point of view, I thought about exploring what really interests me and get practical hands-on experience.

One year after, I joined a “Get to know NN” dinner where other trainees attended and shared their experiences with us, students. I recognized that I was with like-minded people because after the dinner I even stayed friends with the buddies that I talked to.

What I mostly appreciated was the focus on personality. Also, the people were  highly competitive and result driven, but humble. I saw that they were ambitious, and at the same time always eager to help. To give a concrete example, one of the trainees was about to write the CFA (Charted Financial Analyst) exam which is quite intensive, and it consumes a lot of energy and time. Under these circumstances, she still made time to meet me and answer to my lengthy questions about the traineeship at that point in time. Now that I work at NN I see that she was a great ambassador for how people are valued here in the company. There is no better example than that.

I met great people during these events, and I realized that the company places an emphasis on the personality of the candidates. I saw also the importance placed on taking initiative and responsibility but also on people who don’t give up until they succeed. I could very much recognize myself under these values. Want to know more, or do you have questions? Feel free to reach out to me at Claudiu.Ghiuzan@nnip.com.


NN Group Traineeships

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